Support the Foundation
So many lives can be improved and saved with the traditional medicines of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbal medicine, Biomedicine, Bodywork, and other Indigenous medicines.
Your support can help relieve pain, insomnia, stress and PTSD, addiction and recovery, prevent and address acute and chronic disease, and save money with more efficient and effective medicines.
-National Library of Traditional Medicine
-Research in Homeopathy and Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
-Nonprofit clinics such as our Acupuncture for America: Auricular Acupuncture
-Scholarships and Fellowships to help students and faculty learn and train
We are actively engaged in raising funds to support development of PTSD treatment clinics for veterans using the acupuncture. Please consider supporting Foundation activities by donating to our current campaign being hosted by
Thank you from PIHMA College President:
I began my journey into the world of Integrative Medicine after studying to become an attorney in San Francisco. Working in litigation was challenging, and I had found myself regularly sick. It was the recommendations of a nurse practitioner that sent me to the nearby Chinese herbal shop to sit in front of a Chinese doctor who spoke no English but simply looked at my tongue and took several pulses at my wrist, wrote out a prescription for Chinese herbs to decoct as a tea. After only a few sips of the brew, I improved dramatically. This let me in search of more information about this powerful medicine that could be so effective. I went on to learn more about herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, energy bodywork and more. What I was to discover and the health benefits I realized awakened me to a world that I had never known to exist.
Chinese medicine had saved me and served me well as I moved from litigation to legal education. Even as a professional attorney, my mind would return to those discoveries of a medicine not well known, yet incredibly powerful. I went on to study this medicine and move back home to Arizona. Almost a decade later that I founded a college, in collaboration with some like-minded individuals, that would enable students to learn, the practitioner community to grow, and these medicines I so loved to be more available to others.
We believe that these traditional and integrative medicines should be for everyone. And the Foundation aims to make that a reality.
Fast forward nearly twenty five years and we now also have a non-profit research and education foundation. The Foundation for PIHMA Research & Education is an organization whose purpose is to to further these traditional medicines, and to make them available throughout our community in such a way that people in a much easier way than my own travails in San Francisco all those years ago. We believe that these traditional and integrative medicines should be for everyone. And the Foundation aims to make that a reality.
Your support brings acupuncture and wellness programs into our community. Your support brings affordable acupuncture to those (like veterans and first responders) suffering from pain, stress, addiction and PTSD. Your support creates learning opportunities for young and old in the National Library of Traditional Medicine Your support enables our research teams to continue furthering the traditional and Integrative forms of healthcare that serve the wellbeing of Phoenix and beyond. Together we are developing the next generation of integrative health and wellness care.
To continue this important work in the clinics, research centers, and in the community, I hope you will consider making a gift of $250 or more in support of the Foundation for PIHMA Research & Education.
Please know that we are incredibly grateful for whatever level of support you are willing to make. Once again, I thank you for being a part of the wholistic wellness community, and I look forward to seeing you at one of our Author events or in the clinic this year!
Catherine Niemiec, JD, L.Ac., President of PIHMA